Early Career Framework (ECF)
From September 2021, the Early Career Framework (ECF) reforms will entitle all early career teachers to a funded two-year package of structured training and support linked to the best available research evidence.
Schools are free to choose one of three approaches to deliver the ECF:
- Sign up to use a Lead Provider for the fully funded programme. This is the simplest option and is the route most schools choose. Providers have designed and deliver a comprehensive programme of face-to-face and online training for both early career teachers (ECTs) and mentors.
- Develop their own induction programme using freely available DfE-accredited materials.
- Design and deliver their own ECF-based induction.
Coventry and Central Warwickshire Teaching School Hub have partnered with University College London (UCL) to offer the full induction programme. UCL is one of six providers accredited by the DfE, to deliver an excellent programme of both online and face-to-face training for early careers teachers (ECTs) and their mentors.
More detail about the UCL programme can be found on the UCL website.
General guidance on the ECF for school staff can be found on GOV.UK :
DfE Guidance for School Leaders - ECF
To register your interest in our programme please email us at tshub@lawrencesheriffschool.com